Harmony Day Spa, Caldwell, New Jersey

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How To Live A Balanced Life

Running around all day to fulfill the obligations of jobs, parenthood, and personal wellness is the reality for many Harmony Day Spa patrons. As we enter into a new season of rest and rejuvenation, I want to provide tips on how to live a balanced life. I think we could all use a schedule refresh every once and awhile. Incorporate the tips below in your schedule to achieve a balanced life.

  • Take time for yourself. When our schedules are busy and obligations keep popping up, one of the first things taken off our agenda is time for ourselves. How does that leave you feeling? Most likely, stressed and unhappy. It is time we stop putting ourselves at the bottom of the list and carve out time for our needs. Take 30 minutes at the end of each day to read a book. Treat yourself to an after-work facial or massage. Explore a new hobby. The options are endless as long as you do what will make you the happiest.

  • Stay positive. Our mindsets truly affect our happiness levels. If being busy all the time has you feeling down, step back and try to change your mindset to find the positive. Put your situation into perspective and relinquish events that you can’t control. Once you realize that life has its ups and downs, you will be better prepared to live in the moment and enjoy the ride.

  • Reevaluate your priorities. It is Monday morning and you are looking over your schedule for the week. You think the schedule looks a bit on the busier side, but overall is manageable. All of a sudden, Tuesday arrives and you have invites to three different events for that week. What do you do? Accept them all without thinking where to fit them in? One of the best things you can do to start living a balanced life is to reevaluate your priorities. Think about the activities that are near and dear to your heart and fit those in. Maybe it means getting rid of another event, but life is a balancing act.

Making small steps towards achieving a balanced life is the best way to get started. We hope that you take time for yourself, stay positive, and reevaluate your priorities this week.


Harmony Day Spa was founded in 2003 by Amy Waldorf to provide clinical and therapeutic skin care and body work to New Jersey residents. With over 20 years of experience in the professional skin care industry, we feel that we have found the finest solution based aesthetic treatments, relaxation products, and services available. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment!